
Weapon Models: Top 5 Bows

Okay, I lied.  I've actually got a top six bows.

6.  Skyfire Hawkbow:  This one drops off O'mrogg in Shattered Halls; I'm not sure I ever actually saw it drop, but I've always liked the look.  A good one for my Blood Elf if I ever feel like farming it up on her.

5.  Lohn'goron, Bow of the Torn-Heart:  This was the quest bow to get at the end of the Burning Crusade, from a long quest chain in Shadowmoon Valley.  This one I used for quite a while, and it's among my... um, I have more than four bows banked.  I have a lot of bows banked.

4.  High Warlord's Recurve:  I've never had this bow; given that you can't use it for transmogrifying, I'm not sure I'll bother at this point, but it's still one of the coolest bow models you can get (Horde-side, anyway).

3.  Ironfeather Longbow:  When it originally came out, this was a tank bow: it had strength on it.  I was using it on my forsaken hunter anyway, just because it was the best thing she'd run across for damage otherwise.  It's a lovely bow, and it's no wonder Tyrande has it.

2.  Arathar, the Eye of Flame:  This is my favorite of the Cataclysm raid bows; I think I have three of them banked, actually.  It's got the cleanest lines, and I like the green highlights.

1.  Golden Bow of Quel'Thalas:  I didn't actually know about this bow until they announced they were putting pets into the Burning Crusade raids.  I didn't know if the Sunwell raid was going to be included, and I didn't know if I could solo it.  (The results: no, and yes.)  This dropped during the test run, and I've been transmogging into it since.  It's huge.  It's like the Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle of bows, and it really doesn't go badly with the Saurok set I'm transmogged into.

Yeah, I'm gonna be using this one for a while.

Bonus list:  Other bows I have banked still:

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