
Battle Pet: Infinite Whelpling

The Infinite Whelpling is one of my favorite battle pets; he's one of the three I use to beat the Darkmoon Faire tamer.

In its native environs
In the wild, the whelpling is found by the entrance to the Caverns of Time, and the spawns I've seen have all been level 13 and 14.  They're not uncommon, so unless someone is farming for a rare, you can probably pick one up easily.

For his first slot ability, you can pick between Tail Sweep and Sleeping Gas.  I usually have Tail Sweep slotted, since he's not particularly fast, unless I'm using him to farm levels for low-level pets, since he's faster than most of the wild pets I'm usually fighting. Tail Sweep is especially nice against a faster magic pet, since you'll get the type bonus on both hits.  This is what I use to knock out Judgement fast.

His second ability slot can be either Healing Flame or Weakness.  I'm not sure I've ever slotted weakness - Healing Flame is pretty good, especially if the pet you're fighting has a predictable ability pattern.  The harder he's hit the previous attack, the more he'll heal.

The third ability slot lets you pick either Early Advantage ('cause, well, he's part of the infinite flight) or Darkflame.  Early Advantage is especially good versus Jeremy Feasel because he'll follow up Judgement with Honky-Tonk, and the ability is strong against mechanicals.  Since he likely took a good deal of damage from Judgement, he'll get the double damage, and he'll probably have the dragonkin type bonus, too.  Darkflame can be useful in fights against pets with healing that needs to be countered, though.

We haven't seen the last of the infinite dragonflight!

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