

For the longest time, I played with no macros. The first ones were things like /p /cast ones to tell people I was feigning or bandaging; it wasn't until we were hitting the later parts of Karazhan that I made something more useful - the first /castsequence I used. That macro was made because I knew I wasn't using Steady Shot enough, and it would reinforce me using it, along with (at the time) Aimed, Multi, and Arcane.

This is a consolidated list of my current hunter macros. You may notice that I'm fond of left click/right click/middle click macros for some things.

The Shot Rotation /castsequence (swap Arcane to a Steady if your Armor Pen allows)
/castsequence Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot
/cast Kill Command
/cast Silencing Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();
Chimera + Silencing + Kill Command
/cast Chimera Shot
/cast Kill Command
/cast Silencing Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();
/cast [button:1, target=focus] Misdirection; [button:2] Misdirection; [button:3, target=pet] Misdirection
/cast [button:1] Serpent Sting; [button:2] Scorpid Sting; [button:3] Viper Sting
Taunt the Deformed Fanatic for Kiting
#showtooltip Distracting Shot
/tar Deformed
/cast Distracting Shot
Cheetah Pack
/cast [button:1] Aspect of the Cheetah; [button:2] Aspect of the Pack
Fire Traps
/cast [button:1] Explosive Trap; [button:2] Immolation Trap
Frost Traps
/cast [button:1] Freezing Trap; [button:2] Frost Trap; [button:3] Freezing Arrow
Feed Pet (put the food in the appropriate slot)
/cast Feed Pet
/use 3 1
/cast [button:1] Mend Pet; [button:2] Revive Pet
#showtooltip Auto Attack
/cast Raptor Strike
/cast Mongoose Bite
Eat/Drink (put food & drink in the appropriate slots)
/use 3 5
/use 3 9
Mount Macro (adapted from WoWwiki)
/run C=CallCompanion if(not IsMounted())then if(((GetZoneText()=="Dalaran")and(GetSubZoneText()~="Krasus' Landing"))or not IsFlyableArea()or IsModifierKeyDown())then C("MOUNT",13)else C("MOUNT",16)end end
Random Pet (from WoWwiki)
/run DismissCompanion("CRITTER"); CallCompanion("CRITTER", random(GetNumCompanions("CRITTER")));

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