
Favorite Garrison Followers

I have 73 followers on Duskhawk.  Every week I go to the inn and get a new one, currently favoring Treasure Hunter followers because I'm still working towards that yak.  Having as many as I do, I definitely have some favorites.  Here's my top seven:

Talonpriest Ishaal:  Ishaal is my best bird buddy, currently assigned to the barracks.  I really wish he could go everywhere with me, not just in Draenor.  I loved the Spires of Arak storyline for the Arakkoa, and I'm really glad I've got a couple of them hanging out with me now.

Lin Tenderpaw:  Lin was the first follower I got that was a pre-existing NPC back in our timeline.  I was so excited when she showed up!  I think I have rerolled her stats, since I don't recall her having come with mining.

Matoclaw:  I was even more excited to get Matoclaw than I was when Lin showed up.  Matoclaw is the druid who coordinated all the Azerothian side of the Molten Front!  She's pretty awesome, and I wish I could get her Warmaster Zog's job.

Aila Dourblade:  You're probably thinking, "Who is Aila Dourblade?"  I don't know, but she's a blood elf rogue with death knight hair, which is entirely the reason I picked her at the inn that week.  And she's subtlety, the best rogue spec!  Aila has helped bring in a crazy amount of resources for me with Scavenger.

Bim'ini:  Bim'ini is another Inn follower you've probably never heard of, but she's got an awesome transmog, Emerald Plate.  This transmog and Epic Mount have kept her in my active lineup of followers.

Soulbinder Tuulani:  I like having Tuulani around since she's a draenei and I'm playing Horde.  She's one of my active healers, ironically, since she's a shadow priest.  I'm still trying to get Treasure Hunter or Scavenger on her.

Talon Guard Kurekk:  Kurekk hangs out with me since I'm, you know, the Talon Queen.  Also he's an engineer, likes fast horses, and works well with orcs.  I think I probably rerolled him trying for Treasure Hunter, but Epic Mount was good enough.

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